Praxis Dr. Boris Bill
Tattenbachstrasse 12
D-80538 München
Praxis Andreas Müller
Nürnberger Strasse 20-22
D-63450 Hanau
(Univ. Split, HR)
Dr. Dr. Josip S. Bill
Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgeon
Ästhetische und Wiederherstellende Gesichtschirurgie
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Facial Surgery
Oral Surgery
Surgery of the Oral Cavity
Surgery of the oral cavity includes a variety of procedures aimed at treating diseases, injuries or anatomical features in the oral cavity. These include, among others:
Removal of wisdom teeth or other teeth
Exposure of impacted teeth
Treatment of cysts and tumours of the jaw
Correction of frenulum of the lips or tongue
Treatment of mucosal pathologies in the oral cavity
Treatment of diseases of the tongue
Reconstructive surgery (e.g. after accidents, tumour or malformations)
Periodontal surgery (treatment of the gums)
Surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Very extensive procedures also can be performed under sedation (sleep combined with local anesthesia) or under general anesthesia. You can be discharged after a few hours.
You will be informed individually about postoperative behavioural measures and will receive a separate information sheet.
Removal of Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are the last molars that usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. The removal of wisdom teeth is usually necessary due to a lack of space, e.g. as part of orthodontic treatment or because the wisdom tooth has become inflamed.
Wisdom tooth removal is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Very extensive procedures also can be performed under sedation (sleep combined with local anesthesia) or under general anesthesia. You can be discharged after a few hours.
After surgery, you will be prescribed pain killers and you must cool your cheek. You will receive a separate information sheet.

Exposure of Impacted Teeth
It is often the case that not all teeth erupt during tooth development. This happens most frequently with the wisdom teeth and canines.
As part of orthodontic treatment, it may be necessary not only to remove wisdom teeth but also to expose teeth so that they can be orthodontically integrated into the dental arch.
Exposure of impacted teeth is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Very extensive procedures also can be performed under sedation (sleep combined with local anesthesia) or under general anesthesia. You can be discharged after a few hours.
After surgery, you will be prescribed pain killers and you must cool your cheek. You will receive a separate information sheet.

Surgery of Paranasal Sinus
Many people suffer from acute or chronic sinusitis.
Surgery may be necessary for
Chronic inflammation (e.g. sinusitis) that does not respond to other forms of treatment
Cysts or polyps
Connection between the maxillary sinus and oral cavity (e.g. after tooth extractions)
Surgery of paranasal sinuses is usually performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Very extensive procedures also can be performed under sedation (sleep combined with local anesthesia) or under general anesthesia. You can be discharged after a few hours.
As the procedure is performed through the oral cavity, no scars are visible.
After surgery, you will be prescribed pain killers and you must cool your cheek. You will receive a separate information sheet.

X-ray of the maxillary sinuses with chronic inflammation (arrows)