Praxis Dr. Boris Bill
Tattenbachstrasse 12
D-80538 München
Praxis Andreas Müller
Nürnberger Strasse 20-22
D-63450 Hanau
(Univ. Split, HR)
Dr. Dr. Josip S. Bill
Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgeon
Ästhetische und Wiederherstellende Gesichtschirurgie
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Facial Surgery
Aesthetic Procedures
Upper Lip Lift
(Bull Horn Surgery)
Bull horn surgery is performed to surgically lift the upper lip if it is too slim due to anatomy or if treatment with fillers does not lead to satisfactory results.
Bull horn surgery is usually performed under local anesthesia. Very extensive procedures also may be carried out under sedation or under general anesthesia. You can be discharged after a few hours.
The upper lip lift is performed via microsurgical wave cut below the nasal entrance with removal of a narrow strip of skin. A fine suture is used to lift the upper lip accordingly. The sutures are removed after about 7 days.
In a further step, the newly created upper lip can be treated with fillers (hyaluronic) for aesthetic reshaping.